Stickers Swaps.

You send 40 stickers
to a random member
and you receive 40 back!

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Not being able to send stickers
31 Jan 2024, 13:33:14
Hi, I have not been able to send any stickers over a period of few months now. Could you please tell me why is that?
There are enough people on this site to send yet it has been impossible for me
Thank you for your time
23 Feb 2024, 00:07:49
Thank you Danubius
19 Feb 2024, 23:29:56
The main reason is the number of active members. I made some adjustments that I hope will help.
15 Feb 2024, 10:50:11
Hm, I got the same problem. I'm new and I get the notification, that there's not enough people to draw an address for. But shouldn't this correct itself, when you change the algorithm so that people can receive 1-2 more than what they've got? And if there's several peopel without an address, then those people would match together...
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